photo of Kari Hunter
  • grief and loss
  • situational depression
  • post-partum depression

Depression is bigger than just ‘the blues’. It can affect mind, body, and behavior in children and adults. While most people picture depression as someone who talks about their sadness and doesn’t want to get out of bed in the morning – it actually can look very different. It can be the source in someone who’s always irritated and angry, lazy, negative, or has mood swings. It can be the result of coping with other problems like anxiety, attention deficits, or chronic illness. Someone with depression can have trouble concentrating, motivating, following through, and making decisions. They can act impulsively, take risks, self-injure, or abuse alcohol or drugs. Brain science has offered new ways to treat depression, even without medication - there is much that can be done.

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22 South Fourth Street, Geneva, IL 60134

ph (630) 845 - 0527

Copyright 2019, Kari Hunter